The terms and conditions apply to all legal services performed by SAVI Advokatanpartsselskab, Vintervej 16, 2920 Charlottenlund, CVR No. 44608235 (hereinafter “SAVI”) for the Client, unless the Client has entered into another written agreement with us for the service in question.

1. Attorney

1.1 All SAVI attorneys are authorized by the Danish Ministry of Justice and members of the Danish Bar and Law Society.

2. Accomplishment of the task

2.1 Together with the Client, SAVI will define the service that SAVI is to perform.

3. Fee

3.1 The fee is determined on the basis of an overall assessment of the scope of the service, in which we assess, among other things, resources used, the time spent, the requirement of special competences, tight deadlines, execution of the work outside normal working hours or a certain responsibility associated with performance of the service. 

3.2 The general rule is that SAVI does not pay outlays for Clients in connection with, for example, application for rights. SAVI will therefore generally ask the Client to pay in advance to cover payment of official fees. Depending on the amount of our own fee, we can also request advance payment before we start our work. 

3.3 If we have incurred costs and disbursements as part of the performance of a service, including, for example, fees, travel, and accommodation expenses as well as certain copying and shipping costs, these will be added when invoicing the case. It will depend on the size of the amount whether we perhaps will ask for advance payment. 

3.4 The terms of payment are net 8 days from the invoice date. In case of late payment, we calculate interest in accordance with the rules of the Danish Interest Act. 

3.5 As a general rule, we will send price estimates for defined services if this is possible based on the nature of the service. However, SAVI will invoice cases according to time spent where a price estimate has not been provided and SAVI has not been asked for this in advance by the Client. In cases where the Client is a consumer, our assignment and price information will be provided in accordance with the specific requirements hereto. 

3.6 We manage client funds in accordance with the rules of the Danish Bar and Law Society.  Our management of client funds is in accordance with the rules of the Danish Bar and Law Society. In accordance with the Client Account Regulations, all interest accrues to the Client (positive and negative). However, for interest on deposits in our client pooled bank account, we only settle positive interest if a Customer has a total deposit of at least DKK 200,000 for at least 20 days. If the nature of a case or the size of the amount indicates that it makes sense to set up a separate client account for a Client, the costs of setting up and using it will thus be invoiced to the Client. SAVI or the bank will report these to the tax authorities in connection with accrued as well as collected interest. 

SAVI may disclose the Customer’s identity information to the bank in connection with the Customer’s payment to client accounts.

In the event of the bank’s bankruptcy, deposits in the client account will be subject to the maximum coverage of EUR 100,000. The maximum applies to the Client’s total deposit in the bank. If the Client has deposits with the bank other than in the client account, the maximum limit applies to the total deposit. SAVI has no responsibility for deposits in client bank accounts in the event of the bank’s bankruptcy.

4. Limitation of liability

4.1 SAVI advises solely in accordance with Danish law, unless otherwise agreed with the Client. 

4.2 SAVI shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused by, or likely to be directly or indirectly related to, an information security incident or failure or breakdown in IT systems, or loss of any kind, including indirect losses, as a result of a bank’s bankruptcy. 

4.3 SAVI is not liable for advice from other advisers. This means, among other things, that SAVI is not liable for advisers that the Client may have used upon referral from SAVI, nor is SAVI liable for advisers used per agreement with the Client. 

4.4 Claims for damages can only be made against SAVI and not against the individual partners. 

4.5 Claims for damages against SAVI shall lapse 12 months after a commercial client has or should have become aware of circumstances that may justify the claim for damages, and in any event no later than 3 years after the service has been performed. 

4.6 Our liability in relation to a service cannot exceed DKK 2.5 million. 

4.7 SAVI has taken out liability insurance and guarantees through HDI GLOBAL SPECIALTY LOOK according to the rules laid down by the Danish Bar and Law Society, and the liability insurance covers all legal services, regardless of where the service is provided.

5. Authorization for use in respect to marketing purposes

5.1 If agreed with the Client, SAVI may state in its marketing that we have acted as attorney for the Client in relation to a service.

6. Complain

6.1 In case of disputes, SAVI will work for an amicable solution with the Client. However, the Client may submit a complaint about an attorney’s service or fee to the Disciplinary Board of the Danish Bar and Law Society, Kronprinsessegade 28, 1306 Copenhagen K. or by using the complaint portal: www.advokatsamfundet.dk.

7. Disputes

7.1 In the event of disputes between the Client and SAVI these shall be resolved by a Danish court and in accordance with Danish law and in Danish.