Often, trademarks will be the name of your product or the logo you use for your product. A trademark is the “stamp of origin” that allows your customers to find your product again if they want to buy more. 

A good trademark is distinctive, which i.a. means it is possible to distinguish it from other trademarks so that customers can remember the difference and locate your exact product. Distinctive character also makes the trademark easier to protect and enforce against potential competitors’ use of a mark that is identical to or similar to the trademark. 

Thus, when deciding on a trademark, there are a number of things to consider, including: 

  • Does the trademark have enough distinctive character? 
  • Has anyone else already “taken” the trademark? 
  • Am I infringing earlier rights by using the trademark? 
  • Do I need to be able to prevent others from using the trademark? 

At SAVI, we are ready to help you answer these questions. We want to be involved from the beginning of the journey and to advise on IP strategy and the securing of relevant rights, just as we want to be involved if IP due diligence is relevant in connection with the sale or purchase of a company or a growth strategy is planned in other countries, etc.