ESG – What is it and how do you get started?

ESG covers, among other things, efforts within the environment and climate, social conditions and corporate (governance) conduct within sustainability. Get help on how to get started working with ESG.

Companies are increasingly faced with demands and expectations from the outside world, e.g. corporate customers, public customers or investors, to work with sustainable initiatives. A significant part of this work is about being able to document and calculate the “sustainability effrots” of companies and products from an ESG perspective.

What is ESG?

ESG is a way of structuring sustainability work, which is becoming more and more common in both Danish and foreign companies. 

ESG stands for Environment, Social and Governance, and covers environment and climate, social conditions and business behaviour.

(E)nvironmental and climate conditions, e.g. CO2 emissions, climate change and adaptation, pollution, water and marine resources, biodiversity, ecosystems, and circular economy. 

(S)ocial conditions, e.g. working conditions of your own workforce and workers in your value chain, affected communities, consumers and end-users. 

(G)overnance Matters relates to corporate conduct, e.g., corporate culture, whistleblower protection, anti-corruption or political engagement.