Privacy Policy for SAVI Advokatanpartsselskab


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Personal data

This privacy policy describes how SAVI Advokatanpartsselskab (“SAVI”, “we”, “us”, “our”) processes your personal data on the website when you are a client of ours or when you are otherwise in contact with us. 

SAVI is the data controller for the personal data we receive and process about you. We ensure that our processing of your personal data is in accordance with applicable law. We process your personal data for different purposes – see more below. 

We primarily process personal data about clients, counterparties, suppliers, and partners as well as recipients of, for example, newsletters. 

The processing of personal data takes place in connection with our services and in connection with the operation of the company. 

We process personal data so that we can process our clients’ cases, send newsletters to the people who have signed up for these and fulfill our obligations to partners, suppliers, etc. 

We process personal data as part of legal disputes and to establish claims etc. 

The personal data may come directly from the registered itself or from third parties, such as counterparties or public authorities. 

Our processing of personal data will be limited to what is necessary in relation to the specific situation (and what is legally justified). It is to be expected that it will most often be necessary for us to process non-sensitive personal data such as name, title, telephone number and email address. 

In addition, in certain cases, we are obliged to collect and store identification documentation (e.g. copy of passport) in accordance with the rules of the Money Laundering Act. 

We only disclose information to external parties if it is necessary due to the nature of the case and there is a legal basis for this. It is to be expected, for example, that our IT suppliers (data processors) will be entrusted with the information. In addition, everyone in SAVI will have a work-related need to see your personal data, as we are a small office and we work together on all matters to ensure quality, handle, and invoice our work. However, only personal data relevant to the specific work task will be shared. 

We delete your personal data when it is no longer necessary for us to store in relation to the purpose for which it was collected and processed. As a main rule, we do not store personal data longer than 10 years after a case is closed. In certain cases, however, e.g. if the personal data is part of an ongoing case, the period is extended. 

You must contact us if you want to see what information we process about you or have corrected any incorrect information about you that we may have. In special cases, you can also have information about you deleted before the personal data would otherwise be deleted or have the processing of your personal data restricted. In certain cases, you have the right to object to our otherwise lawful processing of your personal data and to obtain a copy of your personal data from us. 

You are welcome to contact us at [email protected] if you want to exercise your rights above. 

If we process personal data about you based on consent, i.e. in connection to newsletters, you can always revoke the consent by contacting us and withdrawing the consent. The withdrawal of consent will apply going forward.

If you wish to complain to the Danish Data Protection Agency about our processing of your personal data, you can read more here:

The above policy is updated 23 May 2024 and will change from time to time as necessary