Sandur Torne Lassen
Sandur Torne Lassen

Sandur  advises on IP law with a particular focus on the enforcement of IP rights. In addition, Sandur deals with IP and the intersections between consumer and marketing law, e-commerce and contracts. His primary areas of work are trademarks, copyright, design, patent and infringement cases regarding lookalikes and counterfeit products. 

For many years, Sandur has been his clients’ in-house function in the area of IP, and in close cooperation with the companies, he has laid out the right strategy for the clients’ IP portfolios that could help assist the growth journey. 

Sandur also advises and handles litigation, including temporary injunctions and preservation of evidence. He also has considerable experience with IP portfolio work, especially regarding trademarks, designs and patents. 

Sandur has for several years been a Task Force Leader in various committees under the auspices of INTA, where he has been responsible for several different subcommittees on, among other things, illegal parallel imports in different parts of the world. 

Sandur has assisted everything from the largest international pharma companies to biotech and smaller manufacturers of tools and start-ups.

Please do not hesiate to reach out to Sandur if you have any questions: 51 82 63 91 or [email protected].